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Prothe Appraisal Services, Inc. will provide you with quality, reliable, and dependable real estate appraisal services.


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Service Area:


Anderson County:  Garnett, Greeley

Douglas County:  Baldwin City, Eudora, Lawrence

Franklin County:  Ottawa, Pomona, Princeton, Richmond, Wellsville

Jackson County:  Holton, Hoyt, Mayetta

Jefferson County:  Meriden, Perry, Oskaloosa, Ozawkie

Johnson County:  Edgerton, Gardner, Lenexa, Merriam, Olathe, Overland Park, Shawnee, Shawnee Mission

Leavenworth County:  Basehor, Lansing, Leavenworth, Tonganoxie

Linn County:  LaCygne, Mound City, Parker, Pleasanton

Miami County:  Louisburg, Paola, Osawatomie, Spring Hill

Osage County:  Burlingame, Carbondale, Lyndon, Osage City, Overbrook, Scranton

Shawnee County:  Auburn, Rossville, Silver Lake, Topeka

Wyandotte County:  Bonner Springs, Kansas City


Types of Appraisals:

Primary and Secondary Mortgage



Homeowner (FSBO & PMI Removal)

Estate Planning



 Do you need a real estate appraisal?

We can provide you with a quality, reliable, and dependable real estate appraisal with excellent turnaround time.  We are certified residential in Kansas and are FHA approved.  With over 15 years of real estate experience, we can provide your appraisal needs.  Feel free to contact us with any questions or for additional coverage areas and rates.

Phone:  (913) 731-7954



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